State seeks death penalty for Ana Cardona in Lolly Pop murder case - Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence & Abuse |
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
State seeks death penalty for Ana Cardona in Lolly Pop murder case - Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence & Abuse | "Ana Cardona, twice convicted of the same crime, awaits sentencing for the brutal murder of her 3 year old son Lazaro ``Baby Lollipops'' Figueroa. Lazaro, badly beaten and weighing just 18 pounds at three years old, was discovered dead in the bushes of a Miami Beach bayfront home in November 1990. Unidentified at first, Lazaro was dubbed Baby Lollipops for the design on his T-shirt.
Cardona was convicted at trial in 1992 of Lazaro's murder, and became the first woman in Florida to be sentenced to Death Row for her own child's murder. The Florida Supreme Court later overturned her conviction and ordered a retrial. Prosecutors said Cardona tortured Lazaro over months, eventually dumping his bloodied body before fleeing with her lover to the Orlando area."
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