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The gun was used to shoot a 31-year-old Bikie in the leg while he was standing outside the tattoo parlour in George Street, Windsor

Saturday 21 June 2008

Heavily-armed police swooped on a house in Scarvell Avenue, McGraths Hill, at about 5.20pm (AEST) yesterday and arrested the 33-year-old man.
Investigators also seized several items including a .22 calibre handgun during a raid on a house in Chaucer Road, Riverstone, earlier in the day.
Police say it will be alleged the gun was used to shoot a 31-year-old man in the leg while he was standing outside the tattoo parlour in George Street, Windsor, on Monday night.The victim is also allegedly a member of the same outlaw motorcycle gang.The 33-year-old man has been charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, possessing a shortened firearm without a permit and firing a gun in a manner likely to injure.He's been refused bail and will appear at Parramatta Local Court later today.The arrest was the culmination of an investigation by Windsor detectives and the State Crime Commands Gangs Squad who combined to form Strike Force Tracksuit.Detective Inspector Steve Blackmore from Hawkesbury Local Area Command said the arrest was an outstanding result, given it was achieved in an environment where all parties were reluctant to assist police.
This sends a clear message to all outlaw motorcycle groups that they are not above the law and police will always strongly pursue all criminal matters, he said.


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